Configuration of Phase Trigger

In order to create the concept for the photo shooting, you should consider carefully the equipment. If necessary, use tripods, flash units, extension cables, mains adaptors or power batteries. When assembling the equipment, it is advisable to set up the equipment first at home, in order to avoid situations when components are possibly not compatible to one another, or they work deficiently. Particularly the cable lengths should be determined carefully. Once on site, it is generally too late to correct the error. In this regard, it is very important to choose and test the correct sensor type.
Connection of Sensors, Cameras and Power Supply

Operating with Several Sensors
There are cases where operation with several sensors is required. These should be connected to logic functions such that the trigger can be tuned to the local requirements. For a simple, parallel operation the logic OR function is required, which triggers when either sensor A or sensor B, one or the other, is activated. The logic AND function triggers only when both sensors are activated.
The sensors are connected to Phase Trigger via a logic gateway which has a switch to change between the logic AND/OR functions as desired.

The logic OR function is typically used where an area is to be monitored using several sensors without leaving any gaps in the area that is being surveilled.

The logic AND function is typically used where only a certain point of the area, but not the entire section along the light beam is to be monitored. Using the AND function, one can construct crosshair type line sensors, also known as cross sensors, that trigger only in the intersection of the two beams.

Logic gateways can be connected in series (to form cascades) so that several sensors can be connected using the desired logic. Note, however, that the maxium number is determined by the power consumption of the sensors which should be around 4. Correspondingly, the power consumption of Phase Trigger increases which has to be taken into account in the design and planning of batterypowered operation.